A witty philosophical murder mystery with a charming twist: the crack detectives are sheep determined to discover who killed their beloved shepherd. On a hillside near the cozy Irish village of Glennkill, a flock of sheep gathers around their shep...
A quirky group of seniors attempts to solve one murder while covering up another -- with the help of an enterprising tortoise -- in this twisty, darkly funny mystery from the author of Three Bags Full.It has been an eventful morning for Agnes Sharp a...
This highly anticipated follow-up to The Sunset Years of Agnes Sharp finds Agnes and her octogenarian friends face-to-face with a killer after winning a trip to a beautiful hotel in the seaside town of CornwallThe year is rapidly drawing to an end, H...
In the highly anticipated follow-up to the breakout offbeat hit Three Bags Full, an enterprising flock of sheep must get to the bottom of just who -- or what -- is leaving a trail of grisly destruction in its wake.With one solved mystery under their ...