A whimsical cross between Kubrick and Kafka, "The Mouse That Roared" is a quirky classic of world literature, a poignant tale of political morality, and a hilarious, ultimately triumphant portrait of international relations from the perspective of th...
A prequel to the bestselling classic The Mouse That Roared. Set in the year 1450, the tiny Duchy of Grand Fenwick, ruled by the benevolent and noble Sir Roger and armed with its army of expert longbowmen, had existed peacefully without threat of inva...
A wonderfully funny sequel to The Mouse That Roared. The Duchy of Grand Fenwick, the world's smallest country, whose army of 20 longbow men defeated the United States in The Mouse that Roared is back again. While the Americans and the Soviets are rac...
Gloriana XII -- The Original Wolf of Wall Street. Grand Fenwick is at it again, this time upsetting the world's economy. The tiny country’s secret weapon this time is its Grand Pinot chewing gum. When sales boom during an anti-smoking campaign, Gra...
NOW AVAILABLE ON KINDLE FOR THE FIRST TIME!A man diagnosed with inoperable cancer sells his belongings to fulfill a lifelong dream to go on safari in Africa and hunt an elephant. But as he tracks the great creature, a bond forms between the hun...
The fourth book in the bestselling The Mouse That Roared series brings the Duchy of Grand Fenwick's most extraordinary achievement yet -- the defeat of OPEC and the happy solution to the world's oil crisis, which came about through the best that inte...
It is 1769, ten years since America's colonial militia had joined with the British regular army and defeated the French for dominion of Canada. The current of feeling about what it means to be loyal to the King has changed. While many colonists are a...
Peter Treegate s War, second in the Treegate series, begins by picking upboth the course of the American War for Independence and the ongoing,more personal, clash of divided loyalty for 16-year-old Peter. Hisfather, John Treegate, and his foster fath...
It is 1777 and the American War for Independence is at an impasse. The struggling new nation's need for help sends Benjamin Franklin to Paris to seek an alliance with France. How can he convince the French that the American battle is worth joining? T...
For the sake of bringing the long-drawn-out American War for Independence to a close, Peter Treegate endeavors to do the impossible. It is his task to bring together an alliance-albeit a temporary one-between feuding Scottish clans now settled in the...
Mrs. Searwood, a widow in wartime London, is certain that Hitler has a personal grudge against her, but her life takes a decidedly stranger twist when she finds companionship in a spirit, Chief White Feather, who has been passing the last 300 years e...
From the bestselling author of The Mouse That Roared comes a witty tale of a leprechaun in New York. Timothy Patrick Fergus Kevin Sean Desmond McGillicuddy (for short) is a leprechaun diplomat on a mission to convince the President of the United Stat...
Take Me to Your President is another brilliant political satire by the author of The Mouse That Roared. After chasing his dog (who was chasing a rabbit), a simple farmer from a small village in England finds himself inexplicably on board a top-s...
Elizabethan Commando.—The New York Times Delightful reading for adults and thrilling fare for teenagers.—Los Angeles Times Young John Forrester never knew his father, a man who left his family and his home in England in search o...
The third of six sports-car racing stories about Woody Hartford, a young racing enthusiast, and his car—the Black Tiger.Woody Hartford, already winner of the Mexican Road Race with his Black Tiger, doesn't want to race any more. It's too danger...
After Woody totals the Black Tiger, the only chance to save the car's company from bankruptcy is to race the brand new Black Tiger—the Mark II—the Mexican Road Race, a grueling 2,000-mile race from southern Mexico to Ciudad Juarez on the ...
The final chapter in the six book sports-car racing series about Woody Hartford, a young racing enthusiast, and his car--the Black Tiger.Camellia's steam-powered turbine engine--noiseless, oil-less, and practically gasless--would seem to be the...
17th century pirates, swashbuckling action, and romance... 19-year-old Tom Lincoln is captured by the notorious pirate Henry Morgan and forced into a life of piracy. To escape and rescue another prisoner—the teenage niece of the Governor o...