Estranged from her husband, Carol Robbins and her young son transform a mansion into the Christmas Inn bed and breakfast, before learning of the bizarre, unsolved double murder of the mansion's former owners...
Brutally attacked in Central Park, an amnesiac Brent Stevens joins forces with Queens aerobics instructor Tina Ruffo to find out who he is and who tried to kill him, only to unlock dark secrets connected to some of the most powerful names in Hollywoo...
The final chapter in the International Bestselling trilogy first Published in Spain and subsequently Brazil, Poland, Russia and Mexico. Three years have gone by and the cult of the new savior has dramatically grown by means of the Internet. Blogs dev...
The International Bestseller first Published in Spain and subsequently Brazil, Poland, Russia and Mexico where it spent 10 weeks on the bestseller list. Hannah Manning, a 19 year-old waitress in a New England diner, is waiting for a sign - something ...