Allen King is an unassuming Black teenager living in a blue-collar family in Miami, Florida. After finding a magical crystal necklace he discovers that he's actually an Atlantean prince. Suddenly things change for the gawky teenager. He gains the pow...
After the Queen of the Fairies is murdered by an ancient enemy. Raven the Fairy Warrior rushes to the small town of Wonderwood to check on Eve Summers, the dead queen's daughter. She's been safely hidden along with the handsome new guy in town named ...
Allen King is an unassuming Black teenager living in a blue-collar family in Miami, Florida. After finding a magical crystal necklace he discovers that he's actually an Atlantean prince. Suddenly things change for the gawky teenager. He gains the pow...
Murder, betrayal, and heartbreak are not what Allen had in mind when he began his epic journey to become King of Atlantis. His life changes instantly after one of his classmates is murdered right before his eyes at a Halloween high school dance. In ...
The ASB is distraught and confused after Allen King switches spirits with Josh Stone, his former bully, and nephew. Allen can't officially become King of Atlantis until he is back to normal. Athena goes on a quest as she risks her life to help Allen ...