Set in the fragile years following Franco's death in 1975, this colorful thriller by the former Madrid correspondent for Danish TV pits Basque terrorists variously against old-line fascists and against loyalists to Spain's young constitutional monarc...
Danish diplomat, Jack Andersen posted in Moscow, becomes involved with the "so called" murder suicide of a prostitute, found dead, her wrists slashed, in the apartment of one of the embassy's secretaries...
Peter Lime is trained to hunt down his prey and catch them on film. But now he is the one being hunted. Whose prey has he become? And what is it that he has that these people will kill to get? Lime is a Danish paparazzo, living in Madrid. For more th...
Iranian Mullahs have offered a $4 million reward to the person who carries out their fatwa, the death sentence of the internationally acclaimed author Sara Santanda. A Danish daily newspaper has in cooperation with Danish PEN Centre invited her to Co...
In Bratislava, Teddy Pedersen, a middle-aged, Danish university lecturer, receives a visit from an Eastern European woman who turns out to be his half-sister. Father to both of them was a Danish SS officer who had officially been declared dead in 195...