A stalker, a journalist and a librarian converge in small-town Saskatchewan in this brilliantly quirky and entertaining novel of love, obsession and the pursuit of fame. Broken Head has only one famous resident, and Joan Swift, the local librarian, i...
From this award-winning, acclaimed writer comes a searingly powerful novel that portrays how one fateful, brutal day in the life a young prairie man reverberates far beyond imagining -- a brilliant portrayal of the struggle between fate and faith. ...
Lee Gowan's new novel is an audacious sequel to Sinclair Ross' prairie classic, As for Me and My House. The Beautiful Place is about a man who is in trouble in love and worka darkly funny cautionary tale for our times. “A preposterous,...
In this romantic, humorous and harrowing novel, the acclaimed author of Make Believe Love returns to the epic skies and straight roads of Broken Head, Saskatchewan, and takes us into a very modern Western.
Sam McMahon can’t understand wh...