A powerful, suspenseful debut novel about a young woman who’s obsession with a stranger’s murder has her venturing into the unknown...In Memphis, where the heat clings heavy like a second skin, it has been a summer of murders. Olivia Dale's job a...
Searingly honest, beautiful, and full of fragile urgency, The Myth of You and Me is a celebration and portrait of a friendship that will appeal to anyone who still feels the absence of that first true friend.When Cameron was fifteen, Sonia was her ...
Sarah Price is thirty-five years old. She doesn't feel as though she's getting older, but there are some noticeable changes: a hangover after two beers, the stray gray hair, and, most of all, she's called "Mom" by two small children. Always responsib...
Sometimes home is the hardest place to go. In the newest novel by the celebrated author of The Myth of You and Me (which Claire Messud called “poignant, fierce, and compelling”), three grown siblings return to their childhood home and face a f...
In the tradition of Zoe Heller’s What Was She Thinking? Notes on a Scandal, The New Neighbor is “a chilling page-turner” (People) a darkly sophisticated novel about an old woman’s curiosity turned into a dangerous obsession as she becomes inv...
The celebrated author (whom The Boston Globe compared to Anne Tyler) of The Myth of You and Me explores an untraditional love story through the lens of a character actor who must finally become the hero of her own story. After a series of missteps...