This is not a world of heroes...In the near future, individuals who would come to be known as the Advanced are born across the globe. They may have abilities far surpassing scientific understanding, but for all that they are still only human, and hav...
What if you could control what people believed... The Ministry has always been part of our world, operating in the moral grey area of radical thought and revolutionary technology. It works to prevent intellectual contagion in an era where a dangerous...
Once, humanity lost itself to the machine. Now the era of the Body Butchers is a fading memory and mankind awaits the coming singularity, long predicted and long delayed. The Conception: the birth of a true AI that will lead them to a new era.For...
There's no way out of this game...The Towers have fallen, and the god they were built to destroy has come. He holds the power to change the world with less than a thought, and a traumatised, diminished humanity pleads with him in hope, and fanaticism...
Embark on a pulse-pounding adventure through a world in turmoil in Mind's Eye, the riveting second installment of the thrilling trilogy begun with Mindfire.Years have passed since Nestor Grey encountered a mysterious, formidable child, triggering a c...