Looking for adventure, romance, a modern day quest in the tradition of Star Wars? Hop aboard for an epic journey that starts on Earth but spans the galaxy. Join our heroes and heroines through a five-book series as they struggle to put down an invasi...
The Empire has collapsed. Aided by the Chessori, who wield an unbeatable mind weapon, Rebel domination of the sectors strengthens daily. Against such formidable opponents, hope for the future of Empire dims.The people of Earth are the only ones in th...
Voice of the Chosen is the third book in the Spirit of Empire series. Readers are strongly encouraged to read the first two books before embarking on this third book. Struthers has suffered serious defeats at the hands of Terran forces, but he is fig...
Introducing all-new comic creations: THE MIGHTY SAMSON (adventure), ARMORED CHAMPION (superhero adventure), STEEL SOLDIERS (sci-fi), FALCONE (comedy/adventure), THE NANIS (mystery/suspense/action), THE EXTREMIST (spy/action), SILVER GRIMOIRE (superna...
This book completes the Spirit of Empire series of five books. The war enters its final phase . . .The Queen may have defeated the rebels, but most of them do not know it yet. Waverly's Raiders are still fully engaged as they return one world after a...