A mesmerizing forensic thriller that thrusts the reader into the operating rooms, drawing rooms, and back alleys of 1889 Philadelphia, as a young doctor grapples with the principles of scientific process to track a daring killer In the morgue of a...
1534, Paris. A student at the Catholic Collège de Montaigu, serving as a courier for the Inquisition, is murdered by members of an extreme Lutheran sect for the packet of letters he is carrying. His friend and fellow classmate Amaury de Faverges -- ...
A remarkable new historical thriller by New York Times notable mystery author Lawrence Goldstone that evokes the New York City of 1899. In 1899, in Brooklyn, New York, Dr. Noah Whitestone is called urgently to his wealthy neighbor’s house to tre...
The latest historical thriller by New York Times Notable mystery author Lawrence Goldstone plunges readers into the dramatic events surrounding the assassination of President William McKinley.Just after 4 p.m. on September 6, 1901, twenty-e...
WHO BELONGS IN AMERICA? The latest installment of the World Citizen Comics Line, Born in the USA, tracks the history of immigration to the United States, highlighting the twists and turns in the nearly three-hundred-year-old national debate to decide...