A haunting, original fairy tale from two dazzling debut picture book talents, in the spirit of Neil Gaiman and Carson Ellis. Hortense is a kind and brave girl, but she is sad--even angry--that her shadow follows her everywhere she goes. She hates...
"O Bandit Queen!" the bandits cried. "Little horror! Poison weed! We'll give you everything a queen could ever need..." The bandits give their queen treasure, tigers, mischief and mayhem. But sometimes a little girl needs something more... A book abo...
Hauntingly told and sumptuously illustrated, this wintry modern fairy tale is perfect for holiday sharing.When Frindleswylde is near, the wind trembles, the sun pales, and the wild things hide. When he enters Cora and Granny's house in the woods, Fri...
"Daddy, please can I say one last thing?"Mattie is going to bed - she definitely is... She has just one more thing to say before she goes to sleep.However that one more thing turns out to be a fantastical adventure which guides Mattie and Daddy round...