Waterstones Thriller of the Month for January 2020 June, 1781. An unidentified body hangs upon a hook at Deptford Dock - horribly tortured and branded with a slaver's mark. Some days later, Captain Harry Corsham - a war hero embarking upon a promis...
From the brothels and gin-shops of Covent Garden to the elegant townhouses of Mayfair, Laura Shepherd-Robinson's Daughters of Night follows Caroline Corsham, as she seeks justice for a murdered woman whom London society would rather forget . . .Lucia...
This “intricately plotted, epic” (The Times, London) international bestseller -- in the vein of the vivid novels of Sarah Waters and Sarah Perry -- follows an orphaned fortune teller in 18th-century England as she searches for answers about her l...
In 18th-century England, a widowed confectioner is drawn into a web of love, betrayal, and intrigue and a battle of wits in this masterful historical novel from the author of the “delicious puzzle-box of a novel” (The New York Times) and USA TODA...