This compelling debut follows one spirited young woman from the confines of Iran to the intoxicating freedom of America--where she discovers not only an enticing new country but the roots of her own independence. . . . Tamila Soroush wanted it al...
The national bestselling author of Veil of Roses makes her NAL debut with a stand-out commercial women's novel that's smart, funny, sad, and uplifting. Since the love of her life betrayed her, Meg has had a hard time putting into practice her Hoke...
Knowing she could never be happy in Iran, Tamila Soroush took her mother's advice to "Go and wake up your luck" and joined her sister in the United States. Now, after a spur-of-the-moment exchange of "I do"s with her true love, Ike Hanson, Tami is ea...
It's the near future, and the next big thing is already here. Smartphones, tablets, even TVs have been replaced by Butlers, your own digital personal assistant who knows you intimately. It's killer technology ... really, it...
New student Winnie has sensory processing challenges, but her wonderful teacher knows just how to make sure she's a welcome part of the class.Winnie is the new kid at school, and sometimes she acts kind of wild. Her teacher says to her classmates, Ma...