"This is a terrific story, beautifully written, and completely enthralling." -- Dorothy AllisonIn post-Katrina New Orleans, dying wishes can cure cancer, eliminate cats, bring back Elvis (1968 vintage), and turn the clouds orange. Divorced and disgra...
"Ah, the wild west, where the men are tough, the women are trouble, and the emeralds are cursed."THE JULIET is a novel that braids the history of a cursed emerald called The Juliet with the story of an ailing, retired cowboy actor who comes to ...
Jeaneane Lewis is a disturbed graduate student in a crime writing program who makes a grisly discovery: in the heart of the college/prison town of New Royal, Ohio, a military widow and her two small children lay dead in a frigid garden pond, watched ...
Welcome back to New Royal, Ohio, where the last descendent of its founding family, ninety-seven-year-old Viola Horup, has been bludgeoned to death in her mansion on an icy December night, leaving behind boxes of treasure and garbage. Detective Steve ...
Turn the Living into CorpsesI am the dirt. I am the grave. I don't meditate nor drink. I don't write manifestos. I turn people into bodies.So begins the confession of a boogeyman that no one believes in. As he settles into the abandoned Magic River C...