In this touching, hilarious novel of the heart and mind, of dreams and memory, of desire and first love, Abe Lee comes of age in the 1960s, living with his unforgettable family at the Flamingo Drive-In Theatre on a scrubby patch of coast between Jack...
Harry Ducharme is at the end of his rope. Booze and bad decisions have taken him from the A-list of talk radio fame down to a tiny cinder-block station, WWHD, in St. Augustine, Florida. He talks, mostly to himself, from 10 PM to 2 AM. Not sure anybod...
In Alice's world, it all made sense. She told her husband: I stopped cheating on you when I started sleeping with Danny. He finally understood, but too late. Alice Marcher is dying, but she is still trying to understand her life. She was thirty when ...
Starring: Marilyn Monroe, Harry Chapin, Mark Twain, Patsy Cline, Will Rogers, Harry Houdini, Ella Fitzgerald, Karen Carpenter, and Harry Ducharme Plus a Supporting Cast of a Thousand Other Ghosts.My name is Harry Mason, and I drive a taxi. This is a...