This is a brilliant and revelatory first novel by a woman who is both an Arab and an American, who speaks with both voices and understands both worlds. Through the narratives of four cousins at the brink of maturity, Laila Halaby immerses her readers...
A BookSense Notable Title for February 2007Once in a Promised Land is the story of a couple, Jassim and Salwa, who left the deserts of their native Jordan for those of Arizona, each chasing their own dreams of opportunity and freedom. Although the tw...
No one suspects the blond, green-eyed woman of being an Arab--least of all the Middle Eastern man sitting a few seats away from her on the airplane. But Jubayna's insider's view lets her see everything the man is doing wrong to mark himself as a terr...
Best-selling novelist and PEN Award winner Halaby presents readers with her first collection of poetry. Intensely personal and marked with a trenchant wit, these poems form a memoir following Halaby’s life as they explore the disorientation of ...