An exciting international thriller that revolves around the quest for a land deed valuable enough to kill for. When the renowned young oceanographer Cordelia Stapleton receives an invitation to accept an award on behalf of her great-great-grandfathe...
CNN veteran Kitty Pilgrim returns with her second novel featuring the beautiful young oceanographer Cordelia Stapleton and the dashing, urbane archaeologist John Sinclair. Set in the international art world, The Stolen Chalice takes readers across th...
The black-tie gala at the Metropolitan Museum of Art promises to be a star-studded evening. Oceanographer Cordelia Stapleton and archaeologist John Sinclair have flown in from Egypt to help celebrate with New York's elite. The next day they learn ...
On the beautiful island of Capri, a royal princess begins a secret love affair, oblivious to the dangers that surround her. Internationally renowned novelist Kitty Pilgrim chronicles a modern thriller based in the historic volcanic region of South...