In hypnotic and mesmerizing language, Kirsty Gunn explores the dark world of a young girl who has grown up with a mother dependent on storytelling and the oblivion of addiction to cope with the memory of lost love, the girl's father. Raised on decept...
The author of Rain and The Keepsake, Kirsty Gunn has received international acclaim and established herself as a uniquely powerful and significant young voice - "a young master," in the words of the Los Angeles Times. Now Gunn gives us a collection o...
Kirsty Gunn's spellbinding third novel is a portrait of the small town of Featherstone and the interior lives of its inhabitants. Over the course of one weekend, years after the beautiful and spirited Francie Johanssen fled town, rumors of her return...
The Big Music tells the story of John Sutherland of 'The Grey House', who is dying and creating in the last days of his life a musical composition that will define it. Yet he has little idea of how his tune will echo or play out into the world...
A short story by Kirsty Gunn from the collection Reader, I Married Him: Stories inspired by Jane Eyre.In ‘Dangerous Dog’, a fitness instructor teaches teenage boys how to handle a pit bull terrier by telling them Jane Eyre’s story.Edited by Tra...
Kirsty Gunn is known for the powerful use of landscape in her fiction. In Going Bush, landscape again comes to the forefront as she revisits the vistas of her childhood in New Zealand, evoking an ethereal and meditative autobiography of place.
'Alright' I said, 'I'll try...' This is how Emily Stuart opens her intricate tale of a classic love affair that becomes Caroline's Bikini: a swirling cocktail of infatuation, obsession, and imagination. The moment that Emily's friend Evan Gordonst...
Contradictions (both real and apparent), oppositions, enigmas, provocations, challenges -- -- this is the kind of material that makes a life, and is the kind of material that, in fiction, one is never quite sure of. With Pretty Ugly, Kirsty Gunn rem...