Influenced by her grandmother, a young woman named Rae grows up as a member of an ancient goddess-worshipping sect and is chosen to carry their most secret beliefs into a world of family and social rivalry...
Sex and Other Sacred Games is an imaginative look at sexuality, in which a chance encounter in a Paris cafe sets off a parley, a heated discussion, an on-going dialogue, between a feminist and a femme fatale. While following the development of their ...
Kim Chernin's mother was a leftist firebrand, an American Marxist at mid-century, when it was dangerous to be one. Her father, a quiet man, was no less radical. Why then, decades later, does their daughter--a liberal California psychoanalyst and writ...
In this twentieth anniversary edition of the feminist classic 'In My Mother’s House', Kim Chernin tells the brave and ultimately triumphant story of Rose Chernin, Russian immigrant and passionate old left activist, and her daughter Kim, the narrato...