Five hundred years from now, ex-corporate mercenary Koko Martstellar is swaggering through an early retirement as a brothel owner on The Sixty Islands, a manufactured tropical resort archipelago known for its sex and simulated violence. Surrounded by...
With an outstanding Ultimate Sanction bounty still on her head, Koko Martstellar (ex-mercenary and saloon madam extraordinaire) and Jedidiah Flynn (former orbital sky-cop) have narrowly escaped death in paradise. Rescued during a storm, Koko an...
The third and final instalment in the fast-paced kick-ass Koko trilogy described by Booklist as "[A] futuristic wild ride... Great fun". Surviving job loss, an unsettled vendetta, a submarine wreck, heartbreak, and mortal carnage on a tokusatsu scale...
Darkly comic and wickedly incisive, Kieran Shea's The Americana Psychorama is an assemblage of stories portraying a delightfully bleak but all-too-familiar America. A suburban man stumbles into more than he bargained for when he steals a neighboring ...