This is no ordinary detective story! To help Sam and Lisa investigate a series of mysterious thefts, kids must crack codes, follow mazes, and unravel many other tricky situations that will jump them to different pages in the book. This interactive...
A security alert during a school trip to a museum somehow sends Sam and Lisa back in time -- and into the clutches of a ferocious eighth-century Viking crew. To help them return home, readers must solve an intriguing series of puzzles that will jum...
Ghost, Cormac, and Kate are not like other kids. Ghost can turn invisible, Cormac can run up walls, and Kate can talk to animals--all abilities that make them perfect for the Black Lotus, a training school for ninjas who are sworn to protect the worl...
Join master storyteller Kieran Fanning on a visit to every county in Ireland through 32 spooky stories. From well-known hauntings like The Ghost of Loftus Hall and The White Lady of Kinsale, to lesser-known sightings like The Black Pig of Kiltrustan ...