Set in the beautiful, often uncompromising isolation of the central plains of North America, Kevin Patterson’s haunting stories explore the extent to which geography is destiny. In "Les is More" an overweight bartender determines to break the monot...
Sam Aquillo -- ex-boxer, ex-corporate executive and accidental hero of The Last Refuge -- is back in this action-packed, page-turning sequel. All Sam wants to do is hammer a few nails into his ramshackle cottage, drink a great deal of vodka, h...
It's a world like our own, but the emergence of superhumans has created shifts in culture that play out in changes both subtle and monumental.Those who share their abilities with the world do so for a price: either as superheroes, public-facing prote...
It's a world like our own, but the emergence of superhumans has created shifts in culture that play out in changes both subtle and monumental. Those who share their abilities with the world do so for a price: either as superheroes, public-facing prot...
A high-seas adventure story that combines the wry wit and deep reflection of A Walk in the Woods with the action and suspense of A Perfect Storm.
A stint in the army and a broken heart lead Kevin Patterson to the dock of a sailboat brokerage o...