This is the terrifying story of the most dangerous radical-right hate group to surface since the Ku Klux Klan first rode a century ago. The Silent Brotherhood attracted seemingly average citizens with their call for pride in race, family, and religio...
On a late May morning in 1993, a mother and daughter were found murdered in their home in northeast Washington, D.C. Within a matter of days, an arrest was made. For the victims’ family and friends, and for a prosecutor obsessed with justice -- the...
The four companions reunite and face challenges that exceed even their wildest dreams. Someone is destroying the oil fields in Texas and the Texas Rangers have been called on to put an end to it. Even the President is concerned that the wanton acts o...
Cat and her friend Nish relax after a harrowing adventure in Los Angeles. Nearly single handed they had smashed a kidnapping ring, humble the rich and powerful Heart and save the US Navy from destruction.For two young ladies not yet 20 it was an amaz...
Part murder mystery, part political thriller, Rock Creek is an epic work of historical fiction set in Washington, D.C. It's the most important city in the world in 1952, but at its heart it's still a small Southern town deeply divided along race and ...
A portrait of convicted serial rapist Eddie Wyatt describes his troubled life, his brutal crimes, and the devastating impact on his wife and family of his arrest and conviction for a series of vicious sexual assaults in a small Texas town. Reprint....