Long before even the distant past, the land was ruled by powerful kami, gods as widely varied in form and temper as the parishes they governed, each possessing a unique sacred instrument. Traveling between their shrines in search of divine favor, the...
Before the age of men but after the age of the gods, there was a time when both coexisted. Miyo, a lone orphan girl, is saved by the priest En-no-Ozuno and begins accompanying him on his pilgrim’s journey. Their goal: to receive an audience with Hi...
As Miyo is fixed to be a permanent part of the group on their journey to Mount Katsuragi, En properly assumes the role of master and teacher, beginning with the basics of reading and writing. The unfamiliar characters are a struggle, but when another...
In the past, Hitokoto-Nushi readily granted the wishes of all who made the treacherous climb up Mount Katsuragi. For a determined supplicant, the fulfillment of their heart’s desire could forever change the trajectory of their life, for better or f...
En-no-Ozuno has been unable to find the god he’s after, Hitokoto-Nushi -- but Ookuni-Nushi-no-Mikoto has an idea of where she is! Now, they seek out Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto, the god of the moon!...
Long ago, humanity discovered the weapons later known as Autoscrolls -- and the Oath-Making technology that allows command of them. In modern day Japan, not only have Autoscrolls become a part of everyday life, but Oath-Making is now a systematized s...
After borrowing the strength of the moon god, Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto, En-no-Ozuno’s group sets out to meet Hitokoto-Nushi. But the three are suddenly separated across vast distances (and possibly even time)! Will Zen be able to have his wish grant...