One year after the two atomic bombs fell on Japan; the High Council from the Pleiades began sending the 144,000 Wayshowers to Earth. These Wayshowers came here to help bring in the new Earth While experiencing some important events during their lifet...
The planet has all the souls from Earth and now the thousand years will began. The Wayshowers have been preparing for this day and now we will see how they do. Changes will be made in the leadership roles on Millennia and on the High Council. They wi...
The final book of A Boom Generation series. A wedding is happening for our future new world leaders. Their journey will be full of surprises. Some things on the new Earth will change and also stay the same as before. Find out what life will be like o...
Two atomic bombs fell on Japan, a year later the High Council from the Pleiades began sending 144,000 Wayshowers to Earth. These Wayshowers were sent to help bring in the new Earth. While experiencing some important events during their lifetime, they...