Ten years ago a man named Chaz was chosen to stand between the world and pure evil. Cain, the wicked murderous brother of Abel had come to bring about the destruction of New York. After his defeat a prophecy was set into motion that would bring about...
For fans of Black Mirror and True Detective, a visceral high-concept thriller about a psychologist who must protect the life of an eleven-year-old girl whose ability to remember past lives makes them both targets of a merciless killer. Are the Nig...
For fans of World War Z and the Southern Reach Trilogy, a suspenseful oral history commemorating the five-year anniversary of the Pulse -- the alien code that hacked the DNA of Earth’s population -- and the response team who faced the world-changin...
Praise for Keith Thomas' work: Keith Thomas has a handle on the mechanisms of fear and the tradition of the terror tale that makes him a salient voice in the genre today. - Guillermo del Toro, filmmaker Taut, riveting... I wanted to read it all over ...
This exciting story tells of the day when a rock fall uncovers a secret tunnel into some old Iron Mine workings. And the adventures of the young 'Billy-Boys' who find and rescue a starving Dragon that had become trapped underground.This delightful st...