Picking up where Paved With Good Intentions left off, the second installment of the Halos & Horns series finds naive angel Gabriel and amoral demon Lucifer continuing their unlikely partnership as private investigators Gabe Horn and Lou Cypher in Las...
Exiled on Earth, naive angel Gabriel and amoral demon Lucifer, in the human guise of "Gabe Horn" and "Lou Cypher", form an unlikely partnership as private investigators in Las Vegas. Their adventures take them across the seven heavenly realms, into t...
Picking up where "And A Child Shall Lead Them" left off, the third installment in the "Halos & Horns" fantasy series finds angel Gabe Horn and demon Lou Cypher questioning their roles, as each embarks on a personal journey to discover his humanity. T...
Picking up where To Hell in a Handbasket left off, the fourth installment of the Halos & Horns fantasy series finds the angel Gabriel and the demon Asmodeus fighting for their lives against usurper Baphomet and his demonic horde in his bid to take do...
Mackenzie Mortimer is a typical junior high geek: shy, awkward, late with his homework, and always late for class. He's never got enough time to do everything he needs to do; after all, there are only 24 hours in a day. But when Mac finds his grandfa...
First introduced in the Halos and Horns fantasy saga, these vampires and lycanthropes have their own stories to tell. Pandora’s a carefree party girl who just happens to be a vampire. With her best friend Sharon Mordecai, a hybrid vampire; her boyf...
Mackenzie Mortimer was a typical junior high geek: shy, awkward, and always late for class. There was never enough time to do everything he needed to do; after all, there are only 24 hours in a day. But when Mac found his grandfather’s pocket watch...
A pair of FBI agents set up a bogus movie production as part of an unlikely sting operation to snare a mob kingpin. They buy the worst script in Hollywood and hire a failed movie producer whose career is on the skids; a third-rate aging actress whose...
Time is running out… but fortunately, Mackenzie Mortimer has few more minutes than anyone else.Mackenzie Mortimer is a typical junior high geek: shy, awkward, late with his homework, and always late for class. But when Mac finds his grandfather's p...
First introduced in the Halos and Horns fantasy saga, these vampires and lycanthropes have their own stories to tell. Pandora's a carefree party girl who just happens to be a vampire. With her best friend Sharon Mordecai, a hybrid vampire; her boyfri...
First introduced in the Halos and Horns fantasy saga, these vampires and lycanthropes have their own stories to tell. Nosferatu, Inc.is a worldwide corporation set up to provide relocation services for vampires, who cannot remain in one place indefin...
A collection of the three-novel Fangs & Fur story arc in the Halos & Horns fantasy saga. First introduced in the Halos & Horns fantasy saga, these vampires and lycanthropes have their own stories to tell. Pandora's a carefree party girl who just happ...
"Time is running out... fortunately, Mackenzie Mortimer has a few more minutes than anyone else!"
Mackenzie Mortimer is a typical junior high geek. He’s shy, awkward, a bit clumsy, late with his homework, and always late for class. There’s ne...
A moonlit night, a young couple strolling hand-in-hand along a deserted country road. It seems like a perfect date night until he leans over to kiss her and instead sinks his fangs into her throat. The vampire drains his prey, sating his hunger, and ...
"In a world without hope,in a land of darkness and despair, where chaos has replaced order,one boy leads a ragtag band of rebels against omnipotent forces."The forces of Chaos have defeated those of Order and recreated reality. The result is a dystop...
A moonlit night, a young couple strolling hand-in-hand along a deserted country road. It seems like a perfect date night until he leans over to kiss her and instead sinks his fangs into her throat. The vampire drains his prey, sating his hunger, and ...
All three novels in the Fangs & Fur story - Flashbacks; Nightstalkers; and Nosferatu, Inc. story arc are collected in one huge boxed set. A perfect companion to the Halos & Horns Omnibus, this boxed set features brand new cover artwork. Clocking in a...
They came from a dying world to steal the Earth's water... but they didn't anticipate resistance from the vampires, who realize the aliens' plans which, if carried to fruition, would doom the human race... And with no humans or other life left on Ear...
They came from a dying world to steal the Earth's water, a scarce resource they need to survive but didn't anticipate resistance from the vampires. The aliens' plan would doom the human race... And with no humans or other life left on Earth, the plan...
They came from a dying world to steal the Earth's water but they didn't anticipate resistance from the vampires, who realize the aliens’ plans would doom the human race... depriving the planet's furtive vampire population of its sole food source.. ...
They came from a dying world to steal the Earth's water, a scarce resource they need to survive but didn't anticipate resistance from the vampires. The aliens' plan would doom the human race... And with no humans or other life left on Earth, the plan...
JUSTIN TYME — Impulsive, brilliant, protégé, physicist. He's the brains.ELIZABETH MADISON — Martial arts fighter, polyglot, government agent. She's the brawn. Together they'll make history… while hopefully not ch...
2025 - A new coronavirus, COVID-25, spreads across the globe killing hundreds of thousands before disappearing. They thought the worst was over... until four years later, when the more virulent COVID-29 strikes, wiping out 80% of the world's populati...
Taking place 15 years after the conclusion of the Halos & Horns story arc, The Age of Magic marks Lucifer's return to the series but much of the story follows the next generation: the children of Samantha (witch) and Lucifer (demon) Cypher; Pandora (...
Detective Alice Dodgson follows a summons from Police Chief O'Hare to the futuristic city of Wonderland. O'Hare wants Alice to assume the job of Wonderland's chief detective. She refuses, but he says, You may find what you're looking for here in Wond...
In The Age of Magic, Anything is Possible.What would the Age of Magic be without the Arabian Nights? Aladdin and his magic lamp; Ali Baba and the 40 thieves; genies and djinns and ifrits, oh my! Flying carpets, desert palm trees, and harems filled wi...
They came from a dying world to steal the Earth's water, a scarce resource they need to survive but didn't anticipate resistance from the vampires. The aliens' plan would doom the human race... And with no humans or other life left on Earth, the plan...
They came from a dying world to steal the Earth's water, a scarce resource they need to survive but didn't anticipate resistance from the vampires. The aliens' plan would doom the human race... And with no humans or other life left on Earth, the plan...
They came from a dying world to steal the Earth's water, a scarce resource they need to survive but didn't anticipate resistance from the vampires. The aliens' plan would doom the human race... And with no humans or other life left on Earth, the plan...
They came from another dimension -- a microscopic interdimensional void -- seeking bodies to inhabit so they might exist in our dimension. And what better host for these alien invaders than Earth's apex predators: vampires! Both humanity and vampires...
Speculative Fiction From the American Midwest to the Middle East, to London, and even to the Alpha Concordance — a section of the galaxy at the edge of man's celestial peripheral vision — eight explorers of differing genders, culture...
They came from another dimension -- a microscopic interdimensional void --seeking bodies to inhabit so they might exist in our dimension. And what better host for these alien invaders than Earth's apex predators: vampires! Both humanity and vampires ...
The royal command ship Calpernia leads the Hyperion fleet deeper into a mysterious space sector. Although the ships carry hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children, they represent only a small portion of the once great Hyperion empire. They a...