If God wanted April Grace to be kind to her neighbors, He should have made them nicer! Growing up in the country is never easy, but it sure is funny-especially if you happen to have a sister obsessed with being glamorous, a grandma just discoverin...
Just when April Grace thought the drama was over . . . After an automobile accident, Isabel St. James-resident drama coach and drama queen-needs help putting together the church play. Mama insists April Grace and Myra Sue will help. April's fall i...
The last thing April Grace wants is more change in her life -- but that’s exactly what she gets! Plus, April has a new mystery to solve when Myra Sue starts sneaking around and acting very suspicious! From snooty new neighbors to starting junior...
Murder, mystery, and mayhem lurk behind the doors of a small town church called Eastgate. Overworked Assistant Pastor Carrie Lockwood takes a vacation for the first time in three years, but she cuts her trip short when she learns that the obnoxious n...
An accident on the road. An unexpected marriage. A slew of long-term, noisy wedding guests from Wisconsin who prefer sports to romance. A new friend who isn't what she seems, and another one who is more than April Grace could hope for. The summer of ...
When promising young medical student Andrew Wade rejects the advances of a fiery mountain girl determined to entrap him, she demands help from the local medicine woman known for black sorcery. The curse is one of selfish revenge, and its dark cons...
Dead people generally cause Charlotte Franklin trouble...and she's got plenty of trouble already. Her mother's decision move to a town one hundred miles away form her dad and her friends is the worst decision ever. And the house! It's a wreck. Big an...
April Grace is BACK!An accident on the road. An unexpected wedding announcement.A slew of long-term, noisy wedding guests who prefer sports to romance and who take over the house. A cheesy looking school bus parked in the driveway, and messy malodoro...
Take a trip back to the 1980s with April Grace and her family!April Grace isn't sure what to make of her gift from Mr. Brett. But she soon learns how much fun it is to care for a new friend.Her imagination starts running away with her as the Thanksgi...
Everyone is afraid of something.For April Grace, it's mice with scritchy toenails. For her sister ... well, Myra Sue is afraid of so many things, April Grace has trouble remembering them all. Read what happens when being fraidy-cats and getting even ...
Separated by a century, Andrew and Abbie meet each other in a dark and fearsome world where an unending cold wind blows and nothing changes. Devastating impediments and unimagined dangers arise as they try to navigate a realm where only the two of th...
No one invited her - she just showed up on the doorstep one day. Cousin Polly thinks she is right about everything, all the time, and she is happy to let you know it. She's messing up everything on the Reilly farm.April Grace and her sister Myra Sue ...