While on assignment in Belize, Melanie Matthews, inspired by an ancient Maya princess, struggles to untangle herself from a web of current day artifact theft and murder. Killer ruffians chase her into forbidding jungle, through dark watery caves, and...
Art historian David Webster left his childhood home of Saugerties, New York ten years ago and hasn't looked back. Intelligent, successful, and proud of his sexuality, David has built a comfortable, if lonely, life in Chicago. But when he learns his f...
A match as perfect as cold nights and cozy fireside heat. Gentle giant Matt Haskell and urbane teacher Mikah Cerullo are as opposite as the Teton Mountains and downtown Manhattan. Hardworking organic farmer Matt has little time to thi...
Two amazing chefs. Two very different restaurants. One recipe for love. For single mom Adah Campbell, the executive chef job at a posh restaurant in quaint South Bay, Maine is a dream come true -- and the perfect opportunity to start over, far awa...