In a series of tales featuring complex upper-class Hawaiian families, a single mother's discovery of an adult magazine in her teenage son's room prompts a spiral of jealousy, a man struggles to understand his wife's abandonment, and a son is disillus...
Narrated in a bold, fearless, hilarious voice and set against the lush, panoramic backdrop of Hawaii, The Descendants is a stunning debut novel about an unconventional family forced to come together and re-create its own legacy. Matthew King was onc...
IN THE IDYLLIC SKI TOWN of Breckenridge, Colorado, Sarah St. John is reeling. Three months ago, her twenty-two-year-old son, Cully, died in an avalanche. Though single, Sarah is hardly alone in her grief. Her father, a retiree, tries to distract her ...
The new novel from the New York Times bestselling author of The Descendants -- a hilarious and charming story about a quirky single mom in San Francisco who tiptoes through the minefields of the “Mommy Wars” and manages to find friendship and lov...
A compulsively readable story that celebrates the awkward complexity of teenage relationships--with their families, and with each other, from the New York Times bestselling author of The Descendants. Annie Tripp has everything she needs--Italian s...