When Nelie, her seventeen-year-old adopted daughter, embarks on an overseas journey to find her true heritage, Lauren Wright follows her to Paris, a city teeming with painful memories and dark secrets, where both of their lives are forever changed. A...
The connections women make through scrapbooking inspire a novel full of "the twists and turns that keep readers turning pages." When frazzled mother of four Ashley joins a local scrapbook club, she's amazed at the way old photos and mementos can brin...
Diana Hamilton, a highly successful architect with a celebrity clientele, suddenly loses her relationship, career, and professional reputation. She struggles to figure out what went wrong. Her two best friends, Ronnie and Mandy, challenge her to a be...
". . . a tonic for any reader who loves Italy, fine art and adventure."
--Adriana Trigiani, Author of Tony's Wife
We all have dreams and sometimes they lead to the most amazing discoveries...
Rose Maning longs to wake u...
Newly minted artist Rose Maning is thrilled with the positive reception of her first gallery opening. Her success is empowering, yet the constant demands of work make planning her wedding to Lyon impossible. To complicate matters further, her conserv...