Eleanor Hathaway flees turn-of-the-century Boston and the twisted desires of an aristocrat with her governess, Charlotte, and embarks on a search for true love that takes her to Wales, Ceylon, and the American Southwest...
They were lifelong friends, sharing their triumphs and downfalls as only best friends can. Then a night of tragedy tore Megan and Joanna apart and sent them on two separate journeys of the heart. Journeys that cast them into new and changing worlds w...
They were three very different women, each searching for happiness in the ever changing world of the nineteenth century. -- Bethany Newton - a victim of injustice, she was sentenced to an Australian prison and forced to leave her baby daughter in E...
A rare and lasting friendship would lead them ever closer to… A Distant Dawn Since their days growing up together at Rathbourne Abbey, they were best friends, as close as sisters, and forever bound to a destiny of war and love, heartache and hop...
Three women in search of their heart's desire ... Lady Briony Forester paid a price for defying convention -- and nearly sacrificed a true and tender love ... Emily Faraday, caught in a schemer's perilous design, searched the world for her mi...
Finding her life changed by Delia, a woman who appeared on her doorstep, gave birth, and fled, New York City midwife Maggie struggles with her scant income and the newborn she vows to protect while entering Delia's aristocratic world...
As Elah makes her way back to the light fae lands, she comes across some old friends who she thinks will help her but is surprised to learn that not all is as she would suspect. Instead of helping her get home, her friends push her further away and i...
Can a love lost, be found amongst the stars?Escaping Erichthonius' monster was just the beginning and as Ester runs from a king she doesn't understand, she finds that the universe is full of dangers she did not know existed. The further from home Est...
For Juniper life was not easy living in a world where no one wanted her, and with a future that was bleak, at best. A lonely existence on the streets seemed to be knocking at her door, until she meets a friend in the most unlikely of places, an art m...
With Nikolas trapped in stone, Juniper finds herself at the mercy of the Divinus and everyone seems to have an agenda, including her. She wants to free Nikolas because without him, she feels lost and ill equip to handle the dangerous games everyone s...
Why would anyone want to leave a life of privilege?From the outside, Ayla's life seemed perfect. She had everything a young lady could want, from an influential father to pretty dresses but nothing was as it seemed. Her fathers disapproval and sister...
Desperate to free Nikolas, Juniper mistakenly trusts Julien, exposing herself to the harsh reality of who her grandfather truly is. As she realises her error, she faces the challenge of escaping Julien's madness, freeing Nikolas, and protecting him f...
As Leif struggles to find his way back home and to the throne he knows he must take to give his people peace, he finds himself learning just how powerful his gift really is. With the knowledge of his gift, Leif battles with what he must do to bring p...
Ester had always wondered where she had come from, her biological parents had left her at the hospital with nothing but a blanket with her name on it. While her adoptive parents showed her nothing but love, curiosity had her asking where she had come...