In the aftermath of the Civil War, Benjamin Strong, a rugged Union veteran who is still haunted by those four years of horrific bloodshed, weds Lydia McCabe, a headstrong southern widow. No sooner are their marital vows exchanged than Ben discovers t...
When a gang of villainous rebel bushwhackers raids her Kansas farm, Mercy Hibbert bravely stands her ground. On the verge of meeting an untimely end, she is shocked when one of the marauders, a dangerously handsome Southerner named Spencer McCabe, co...
Come what may, Aurora Crenshaw is westward bound, her sights set on Montana. Once there, she plans to assist in an anthropology study of the Crow Indians for the renowned Smithsonian Institution. And while it’s true that the only Indians this intre...
On the eve of her wedding, Yvette is abducted, her fate now in the hands of a fearsome Highlander . . . To avenge his brother’s death, Iain MacKinnon, a formidable Scottish laird, kidnaps Lady Yvette Beauchamp, the daughter of his English enemy. Al...
His greatest battle will be for her love. The Highland Mist series continues . . . Once sworn enemies, the fearsome knight Sir Galen de Ogilvy and the beautiful, headstrong Scotswoman, Laoghaire MacKinnon, have been ordered by Robert the Bruce to we...
In the enchanted mists of Scotland, one woman finds a love that spans the ages.While exploring a medieval tower on the far-flung Isle of Lewis, Zoe Morrison uncovers a secret doorway. Upon hearing an unseen man call out, Zoe unthinkingly steps across...