In this beautifully dark and enthralling YA, four sisters with unusual talents investigate a mysterious disappearance in their secluded Appalachian town. For fans of House of Hollow and Wilder Girls!In rural Caball Hollow, surrounded by the vast Nati...
In this haunting companion to Bittersweet in the Hollow, a girl who can smell the lies of others uncovers the incendiary mysteries of her small Appalachian town.Everybody lies. And in knowing their lies, I become the keeper of their secrets.As Caball...
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Kate Pearsall has published 2 books.
Kate Pearsall does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Lies on the Serpent's Tongue, was published in January 2025.
The first book by Kate Pearsall, Bittersweet in the Hollow, was published in October 2023.