In a world of espionage and deceit, Melanie Ward lives her life as a Secret Agent. She has consistently proved to be one of the top operatives for a clandestine division of the United States government. Recruited ten years ago after graduating from S...
Second Chance - Book 2 of the Agent Melanie Ward NovelsIn this highly anticipated follow-up to Living Lies, Melanie Ward returns as a top-notch secret agent In a world of espionage and deceit, Agent Melanie Ward's life is rocked by scandal. She retur...
HEAT WAVE by Kate Mathis BOOK 3 OF THE AGENT MELANIE WARD NOVELS Cairo, Bangkok, Brazil, Las Vegas, Cabo San Lucas ... Agent Melanie Ward returns in Heat Wave. Circumnavigating the globe and proving her top agent status - Heat Wave is a fast-paced ad...
CHASE - Book 4 of the Agent Ward Novels Melanie has been captured ... and everyone is searching. If he's going to find her in time, Adam has to play all sides - joining forces with Agent Jackson and seeking alliances with Senator Parker. Forced back ...
SHOCK WAVE - Book 5 of the Agent Ward Novels Having escaped death, Agent Melanie Ward leaves the Agency to start a new life with Adam. But once again trouble finds her. While Senator Hugh Parker maneuvers his downfall to his advantage, Melanie is fac...
The adventures continue in book 6 of the Agent Melanie Ward Novels â€" Mind Game.
In Mind Game, Melanie is thrown into the most dangerous areas of the world. Fighting a rival that should have been a friend, captured, tortured and in between ...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Kate Mathis has published 7 books.
Kate Mathis does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Mind Game, was published in May 2017.
The first book by Kate Mathis, Living Lies, was published in July 2009.