Now an ABC television series available on streaming platforms!In 1979 Karl Alexander's Time After Time burst upon the literary world with a brash, exciting novel with a unique concept: H. G. Wells, the famous, bestselling author of such sensations as...
In Time After Time, H.G. Wells used his time machine to chase after Jack the Ripper who was on a killing spree in 1979 San Francisco. After H.G. met Amy Catherine Robbins, the love of his life, and banished the serial killer to the indefinite future,...
This novel about fathers and sons, hope and redemption, the author of Time After Time brilliantly evokes cultural icons in a thriller that captures the essence of its famous protagonists in a poignant, compelling drama that just might have been true....
At the moment of his execution for murder, unlucky ex-pro football player Curtis Beckett is given the biggest break of his snake-bitten life. The electric chair malfunctions, sending him hurtling across past universes only to reappear in Lincoln, Neb...