"Hayden is alive.” Those three words hurl Kate and her friends towards a mission unlike any other. While honing Kate’s Asteri powers, Kate and Alex delve deeper into their relationship as they untangle Kate from Sarah’s past. Zoe and Evan are e...
Alisha Woods knew she was in trouble. The situation was progressing. The harmless flirtation had long past intriguing and now bordered on terrifying. She had to take action, go on the offensive against her stalker. And as she opened the door of Young...
Some sins cannot be forgiven. Those must be avenged. When Adita Chopra stumbled upon the decimated camp, she vowed to hunt down the men who killed her sister. The stench of burnt flesh and the taste of death in the air haunt her dreams and power her ...
Bella Chan is a good girl surrounded by alpha-males who thrive on danger. Unfortunately, that danger comes back to bite her. She can still feel the deadly grip of Hazeem’s fingers wrapped around her neck. If Jack hadn’t shown up at Savage Securit...
A sociopath is on the hunt… Bret Silva’s handsome face is plastered all over town on placards praising his success. But neither his eyes nor his friendly smile betray the dark beast that lurks within. A beast that requires sacrifices. But one mis...