Yamashita “blends the . . . surrealism of Garcia Marquez, bizarre science fiction . . . à la Stanislaw Lem, and a gift for satirizing . . . that recalls Heller of Catch-22” (Publishers Weekly). This freewheeling black comedy features a bizarre...
An “immensely entertaining” historical novel about Japanese immigrants and their struggle to make a home in a Brazilian rainforest (Newsday). In 1925, a band of Japanese immigrants arrive in Brazil to carve a utopia out of the jungle. Yamashita...
“David Foster Wallace meets Gabriel Garcia Marquez” in this novel set in a dystopian Los Angeles from a National Book Award finalist (Publishers Weekly). Irreverently juggling magical realism, film noir, hip hop, and chicanismo, Tropic of Orang...
"Yamashita is so tuned into now, she can see tomorrow."--"Booklist" on "Tropic of Orange," starred review
""Through the Arc of the Rainforest" progresses toward an apocalyptic resolution that spreads out like a Bosch triptych reproduced by Gau...
Through the Arc of the Rain Forest is a burlesque of comic-strip adventures and apocalyptic portents that stretches familiar truths to their logical extreme in a future world that is just recognizable enough to be frightening. In the Author's Note," ...
The first of ten novellas in the National Book Award Finalist I Hotel, following San Francisco’s Asian-American community through the civil rights era. Centered around the International Hotel, a historic low-income residence in San Francisco’s ...
The seventh novella in the National Book Award Finalist I Hotel, following San Francisco’s Asian-American community through the civil rights era. Centered around the International Hotel, a historic low-income residence in San Francisco...
In these buoyant and inventive stories, Karen Tei Yamashita transfers classic tales across boundaries and questions what an inheritance -- familial, cultural, emotional, artistic -- really means. In a California of the sixties and seventies, characte...