Cousins Sarah and Janie unearth a tragic event in their small Southern town’s history in this witty middle grade debut novel that’s perfect for fans of Stella by Starlight, The Ghosts of Tupelo Landing, and As Brave as You. Twelve-year-old Sar...
Hailed by Newbery winner Kelly Barnhill as “stunning, moving, and marvelously strange,” this tale of a young girl who stumbles into a magical realm ruled by a wicked witch is a haunting and ultimately uplifting middle grade novel about grief, fam...
Real or imaginary, geekdom is where it's at in this multi-genre YA anthology that celebrates "the geek," with stories by some of today's top bestselling, critically acclaimed Black authors.Contributors include Amerie, Kalynn Bayron, Terry J. Ben...
The Baby-Sitters Club meets Stranger Things in this “spooky, heart-filled” (Lora Senf, author of The Clackity) middle grade novel about friendship, fitting in, and the afterlife, following a girl who discovers she’s not the only one at her new ...