The wind went whoo-whoo. Cow sneezed, "Moo-CHOO. Moo-CHOO." The hay blew. "Quack-CHOO," went Duck. "Quack-CHOO. Quack-CHOO." One night the wind blows through the barn and causes Cow to sneeze, which sets off a sneezy chain reaction. Each barn animal ...
t's Miko's first time to experience the joy of chasing fireflies. She has never seen one but she imagines their magical glow. With her older brother, Toshio, she walks to the park to watch the principal of their school open a box to release fireflies...
While at home, keeping an eye on her younger brother and sister, Cassie bakes a real treat - huckleberry pie! When a neighbor passes the word that the Union soldiers are on a raid,Cassie realizes that since her parents are away she needs to be the br...
Based on a real young girl's experiences and remembrances of Vicksburg, Mississippi, in 1863, Lucy and her family are forced to leave their home and live in one of the caves dug out of the hills around the city....
Everyone has heard of Paul Revere's ride, made famous in Longfellow's poem. But how many have heard of Sybil Ludington, a brave young girl who rode longer and farther? In this true story of bravery and determination, Sybil risks darkness and danger t...
Whether they're dashing, splashing, munching, or crunching, baby animals are ever-exploring! At home in their natural habitats, baby animals learn about the world that surrounds them. When the fun is done, it's time for baby animals to go to sl...
Whether they're dashing, splashing, munching, or crunching, baby animals are ever-exploring! At home in their natural habitats, baby animals learn about the world that surrounds them. When the fun is done, it's time for baby animals to go to sleep. A...
An African Wildlife Adventure in Poems and PaintingsCan You Spot the Leopard? is author/artist Karen B. Winnick’s newest picture book, an adventuresome African safari presented through poems and full-color paintings. Readers begin at sunrise, climb...
Where did all the wolves go? The birds, the fish, and the beavers? When the top predator was wiped out, the balance of nature in Yellowstone National Park was disrupted. The circle was broken. Written in a lyrical style, Why Wolves Matter is an ecol...