Special Agent Ryan O’Connor’s life is exactly on track -- she’s with a wonderful woman, and she’s doing something she loves. Sure, her boss can’t stand her, but she figures if that’s her biggest problem, she’s pretty damn lucky. She sho...
Following an incident on her last protection assignment, Special Agent Ryan O’Connor’s life is in shambles. Her sort-of ex, Det. Lucia Mendez, was killed, and the guilt she feels is crushing. Her current girlfriend, Special Agent Allison Reynolds...
Special Agent Ryan O'Connor is starting to get her life back together in the aftermath of a shooting and her boss's arrest. Despite scheduling incompatibilities preventing them from seeing one another, she and Allison are doing great; she's preparing...
No one would ever accuse Special Agent Ryan O'Connor of taking the easy way out of anything. At least not successfully. Her attempts to distract herself from her crushing feelings of failing, fear, and fury have inadvertently landed her in hot water ...