"Filled with wonder and sorrow and happiness." -- Alison McGhee, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Someday A heartfelt story of a young girl seeking beauty and connection in a busy world, now in Mandarin Chinese. As the seasons change, so too ...
A family gradually moves forward after the loss of a child—a story for readers of all ages
When someone you love dies, you know what doesn’t die? Love. On the hot beach, among colorful umbrellas blooming beneath a br...
A warmhearted and tender true story about a young girl finding beauty where she never thought to look.Drawn from author Kao Kalia Yang''s childhood experiences as a Hmong refugee, this moving picture book portrays a family with a great deal of lov...
From APALA-winning author and Guggenheim Fellow Kao Kalia Yang, a middle-grade debut about a Hmong American boy's struggle to find a place for himself in America and in the world of his ancestors.Malcolm is the youngest child of Hmong refugees, ...