Evelyn Harper lived the perfect life. Until she was fired from her job. After a ridiculous idea devised among friends comes to existence, Evelyn finds herself part owner in a private investigation firm specializing in matters of the heart. Throughout...
Jonathan Beltran is adjusting to life as a civilian after an eight year military career. With a booming private investigation business and good friends to count on, life is headed in a positive direction. Coupled with his fierce will and strength, Jo...
Carly Reynolds doesn’t have much faith in men. She no longer trusts her heart to lead -- not after doing her so wrong. Raising her sons alone, Carly must learn to stand on her own. But she’s stronger now, wiser, and determined to move forward. De...
Brennan O’Shea might be every woman’s dream. Gorgeous. Single. Built like a tank and inked to perfection.A fireman. Really, what else is there?Yeah, he’s a fantasy brought to life if only it weren’t for one little problem. Okay, it’s a big ...
From USA Today Bestseller Author Kacey Shea...Eleven months ago, Evelyn Harper went undercover to investigate Tate Reynolds as a viable love interest and potential boyfriend for a wealthy client. What began as a temporary job transformed into an exci...
From USA Today Bestseller Author Kacey Shea...I'm not a woman interested in romance. Does that make me cold-hearted? Maybe. But how can any man live up to the fiction fantasy that consumes my mind?Simple answer. He can't.So when Matt Haywood crashes ...
“You’re trouble, you know that?”Fire captain Cameron McClain thinks I’m the meddlesome one, but he’s the instigator. His rugged good looks and confident sense of humor should be illegal. Not to mention his dimples. They’re partially to b...
Fire captain Cameron McClain dropped into my life with as much subtlety as an unsolicited d*ck pic. I shouldn't be attracted to him, but I am. He's too old for me, too alpha for my tastes, and too bossy in the bedroom. Though, I have to admit he know...
I have nothing to offer a woman like Cora. Not what she deserves, yet . . . I want her anyway.I never expected to meet the woman of my dreams in a coffee shop. Especially when she's a famous Hollywood actress and I'm nothing but an overworked, underp...
This summer I'm leaving my hometown for a fresh start. It's a necessary choice in my pursuit of a full and sober life. Besides, escaping to the Outer Banks isn't a hardship. This seaside town holds everything I need and more. That is, until I run int...
I can't be the one to rescue you. You have to save yourself.I never expected Alicia Martin to walk back into my life. Not after the way she left. Not after her letter. Yet here she is, more alluring than ever, and with a secret that flips my world on...
I've loved Maeve Wilder my whole life.She's never seen me as more than a friend but that's my fault. By the time I was brave enough to confess my feelings, I was too late.She met the man she would marry and it wasn't me. I missed my chance.Now we're ...
Callie Gordon is more than a little obsessed… I love firemen. Heroic. Selfless. Brave. Not to mention the uniform with those damn sexy pants…I can’t get enough. Imagine my surprise when local fire captain, Chase Matthews, wanders ...
I don't do boyfriends. Or dating. Or random hookups.Not when fictional men do it so much better, and not when my heart has been through the wringer. So when retired MMA fighter Matt Haywood crashes into my life, I'm not impressed. Quite the opposite ...