Bone House is a queer Taiwanese-American micro-retelling of Wuthering Heights, a love story and a ghost story simultaneously – it revolves around a young woman named Millet, who is of unidentifiable lineage, and her destructive...
Startling stories center the bodies, memories, myths, and relationships of Asian American women in “a voracious, probing collection, proof of how exhilarating the short story can be” (The New York Times Book Review, Editors’ Choice) -...
Startling stories center the bodies, memories, myths, and relationships of Asian American women in “a voracious, probing collection, proof of how exhilarating the short story can be” (The New York Times Book Review, Editors&rsqu...
“In the phenomenal Organ Meats, two friends are bound by a red string, dog bloodlines, and the violence that is being a girl” (Ms. magazine) -- from the National Book Foundation 5 Under 35 honoree and author of Gods of Want.“Organ Meats po...