Forests of the Fae: Devlin's Door, depicts the perilous journey of a young girl who stumbles upon a ghost town filled with dilapidated Victorian homes hidden deep within a forest in rural Washington state. As she unearths the tragic secret behind the...
Cora Catlin is a misfit at best, and an outcast at worst. She feels out of place, as if everything is backward and something is missing from her life. Her well-meaning mother triess to force her unstylish physique into new school clothes while th...
With her family in imminent danger, a straight-jacket looming over her shoulder, and Grace rapidly losing her humanity in the Forests, Anne thinks circumstances can't get much worse. Then she meets her loony-bin roomy, Vanessa Darling, and realizes t...
Living life as a bumbling breadbox with fur, was hardship enough for Theodore the Corgi, but when the young dog finds himself cold and alone in a frightening animal shelter, it’s clear that his struggles have only just begun.
Since unraveling the century-old secret behind an eerie ghost town in rural Washington State, life has been anything but ordinary for 13-year-old Anne. Now, she and her companion Grace, find themselves tangled between two worlds-that of the Fae creat...
In book two of the series, Theodore and Sam have been transported, while reading their book together, to the land and time of Robin Hood. Now, they must figure out what happened and how to get back to the bookstore! Oh, and Theo can now speak!
...Theodore and Sam are whisked back through The Adventures of Robin Hood book and into the bookstore. But, they aren't alone. Their goofy, gallopping sidekick hound dog, Robin Hound, has been sucked into the bookstore with them - and he can talk!