After years of sedation, seclusion, and manipulation to control his visions, orphan Taodore Bentley was finally looking forward to leaving Markum, where he has spent the past fifteen years of his life. As the weeks grow closer to his graduation, Mark...
This is the second installment of The Visionary series and Taodore Bentley’s emotions have increased his abilities to a new level. Begging his best friend, Michael, to give him the trust to deal with what was wrong, Taodore makes a promise to keep ...
This is the second installment of The Visionary series and Taodore Bentley's emotions have increased his abilities to a new level. Begging his best friend, Michael, to give him the trust to deal with what was wrong, Taodore makes a promise to keep Mi...
As Michael falls to the ground and hears Tad's press-run, Taodore turns to open the door to face the facility and his fate. But the one thing the facility has never paid attention to is Taodore Bentley. As he opens the door, will his beast have th...
Taodore finally felt content and free of Facility. His three children were growing stronger every day. Larkin's ranch became a colony; housing not only her family and friends, but also residents from Banks Island. Banding together, they formed a sens...
Taodore finally felt content and free of Facility. His three children were growing stronger every day. Larkin’s ranch became a colony; housing not only her family and friends, but also residents from Banks Island. Banding together, they formed a se...
After years of sedation, seclusion, and being manipulated by his handlers in order to control his body’s full capabilities, Taodore Bentley begins to long for being normal by any means necessary. Taodore soon develops a strong desire to leave, but ...
Taodore finally felt completely free and alive in his new home with his pack from Markum and the Atkins family. Here Taodore had no need for roof tops, unless it was to try and use his abilities to jump up on them, or windows, unless it was to let in...