This is the story of forty-year-old Evonne, a bank executive living in Redondo Beach, California, with her husband and teenage daughter. She is surprised, along with the rest of society, to learn that we are not alone in the universe and, just like i...
Evonne settles into her new life as Matriarch of Lux manor. Although she is married to the legendary commander Kalerant Torneau, and their love and passion continue to grow, all is not bliss. The manor and warrior training facility are still plagued ...
Evonne believes that her daughter is still alive and held captive by the Hive somewhere at the fringes of the galaxy. Now all she has to do is convince her husbands to make the trip. But the fringe of the galaxy is a vast place, and the Hive is a pow...
Lux University is a coming-of-age story, touching on the trials and tribulations of navigating adolescence. It takes readers to another planet and a school for young women with exceptional powers, while exploring life two years after an alien invasio...