Packed with breathtaking visuals created by a team of world-class artists, The Art of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith charts the visual genesis of this epic saga’s climactic finale. For years, George Lucas’s handpicked group has create...
Any Star Wars fan can mimic Darth Vader's voice or Chewbacca's roar with ease. But how many of them would be able to identify the lion's roar used in the sound of the Millenium Falcon's engine? In this aurally astonishing and visually engaging book, ...
Before Star Wars, there was The Star Wars! This is the softcover collection of the official adaptation of George Lucas's rough-draft screenplay for what would become Star Wars, the film that changed motion pictures and the world. You'll see familiar ...
The perfect epic gift for Father's Day! - ALL UP is the thrilling behind-the-scenes saga of the first Space Age, which dramatizes the lives of its three death-defying Godfathers: Faustian engineer Wernher von Braun, occultist/explosive expert Jac...