Before destiny was decided...
In the futuristic society of Cocoon, all the needs of the people are taken care of by the godlike fal'Cie. The only threat to their comfortable lives is the world of Pulse below, ruled by its own fal'Cie with their ow...
After the fall...
Serah remembers everything from the day Cocoon fell. She remembers waking up from her long sleep and learning the truth of the crystal pillar that saved everyone. Most of all, she remembers her joyful reunion with Snow and Lightn...
After fate was changed... and changed again...
With temporal distortions and paradoxes threatening the very future of humanity, Serah and Noel have begun a journey through time itself to make things right. Their efforts have altered the course of ...
A volume of all-new, character-driven stories expanding on the world of the hit video game Final Fantasy XV. This deluxe, hardcover edition includes full-color inserts featuring concept art and exclusive content.To oppose the gods or yield to fate? T...
An original novel set in the universe of the award-winning, international hit video game NieR:Automata.Based on the stage drama "Project YoRHa," YoRHA Boys recounts events that occurred before the beginning of the post-apocalyptic action role-playing...
From director Yoko Taro and writer Jun Eishima comes this novel expanding upon the world of the critically acclaimed game NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139...In the distant future, humanity struggles for survival against the threat of creatures called...
From director Yoko Taro and writer Jun Eishima comes this novel expanding upon the world of the critically acclaimed game NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139...Grimoire Weiss. Kainé. Emil.With the help of his newfound companions, a now-grown Nier conti...