Introducing the hilarious new heroine, Mazie Maguire, in Juliet Rosetti’s irresistible debut novel that follows the outrageous adventure of a woman on the run. Wrongly convicted of killing her philandering husband, Mazie Maguire is three year...
In the tradition of Janet Evanovich and Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Juliet Rosetti ups the ante in her laugh-out-loud funny Escape Diaries series, as Mazie Maguire must use any means necessary to keep her main squeeze out of the slammer. Once you ...
Juliet Rosetti keeps readers swooning with Mazie Maguire and her hot-to-trot boy toy, Ben Labeck. Mazie’s boyfriend -- photojournalist and sex god Ben Labeck -- might be trouble on two very strong, very sexy legs, but he’s got no idea what he...
Juliet Rosetti’s steamy Escape Diaries series -- perfect for fans of Kristan Higgins and Susan Elizabeth Phillips -- continues as Mazie’s on-again, off-again relationship with certified hottie Ben Labeck simmers out of control. Mazie Magui...
Rowan Sontheil's enemies want her convicted as a witch. Her crime? Prophesying the future. Born to an unwed mother who abandons her at age two, Rowan grows up in a Yorkshire village possessing the strange ability to glimpse the future: birth...
ean girls: You're a Nobody.Her mom's in a mental hospital; her meals are dredged out of dumpsters, and 16-year-old Rowan Mahoney is shoplifting to stay alive. Shipped off to a juvie jail, she sneaks off grounds and meets a boy named Theo Corbin. He's...
A vivid account of the Ludlow Massacre--one of the most shameful events in American history, told by the children who lived through itWhen her dad is killed in a mining accident, 12 year-old Katie Scully takes on the job of supporting her family. Wea...
'A feisty heroine faces off against outlaws, bullying relatives, and a Minnesota winter'- ARC review 'Humorously highlights a forgotten chapter of American history--a time when babies came in the mail. ' -ARC review 'Hermi...
Lorraine Hutton hasn't set foot outside her home in years. Why leave her lovely old Victorian house when she can have everything she needs delivered by a boy from the local supermarket? One day the boy shows up, not with her order, but with a ca...
On a May night in 1914, the ocean liner Empress of Ireland, with 1500 passengers, sets out from Quebec, bound for England via the St. Lawrence River, its captain unaware that a coal freighter is steaming toward them. As a dense fog rolls i...